Supposing That I Care

This is old. My current blog is at

  1. mediarama:
“ ok we’re back to equilibrium
#this is still my favorite panel
Yay Equilibrium
  2. Auto-generated books are weird things
  3. [tumblr user inkypop as Mindfang]
  4. Beforus Reaction Photoset 5 of 6
[grass cliff sky chest]
[tumblr user recklessdreamer13 as The Ψiioniic]
[tumblr user demosthenes as Mituna]
  5. Their Pyrope smells with her eyes?
Aranea & Meenah photoset 7 of 7
[tumblr user cultivationartisan as Aranea]
[tumblr user mediarama as Meenah]
  7. Comparing notes
[tumblr user inkypop as Mindfang]
[tumbr user cultivationartisan as Aranea]

    Olympus E-PL1, f/1.8, 1/60th, 20mm

  8. Please forgive the picture quality, I was fighting my autofocus for hours
[tumblr user magicrabbitears & her actual mom]

    Olympus E-PL1, f/1.8, 1/100th, 20mm