Supposing That I Care

This is old. My current blog is at

  1. questions I’m not sure who world anseranlamasanda:
“  ohdiogenes:
“  areyoutryingtodeduceme:
“  Omg
this is perfect
[image description: Homework sheet asking student to “assume the role of a Chinese immigrant in 1870 and write a letter home...
  2. endofunctor:
“  simplykalamari:
“  whAT
god this is really unsettling to look at
  3. adriofthedead:
“ If I knew that I’d end up getting married to anybody I knew when I was 16 I’d find the nearest building and fucking jump from it
*checks wikipedia*
*checks snopes*
Hidden assumption of statement : 1 marriage per person
  4. sudrien:
“ Thanks tumble app
When this screenshot is appropriate for entirely different reasons